SEDASYS by Johnson and Johnson fails to capture the hearts of medical professionals
Henry Chen
It was only a matter of time........the automated anesthesia sedation system known as SEDASYS has failed to make much of an impact in the new healthcare landscape. Trying to curb costs, SEDASYS was marketed as a lower cost, equally-as-safe alternative to sedation administered by an anesthesia professional. There is no safe level of sedation......because the human body is a dynamic, unpredictable thing that cannot be served with calculations and fancy algorithms to adjust infusion rates of potent sedatives we use on a daily basis. The body can and will react to noxious and painful stimuli, and we, as anesthesiologists must be present to deal with these responses by the human body. Airway obstruction, coughing, laryngospasm.....these are all things that the SEDASYS was never designed to treat. And the proceduralist (gastroenterologist) should never be responsible for doing the procedure AND airway management. Look at the latest news headlines about pediatric dental procedures and the complications they are experiencing. Should we continue down this path or should we do what's right for our patients and have a dedicated anesthesiologist present throughout the procedure?